“THANK YOU & all the instructors!! I don’t know if you know how far I’ve come because of you all. As you know, I have a birth defect and my knee caps are off to the side and they grind against the other bones in my legs. I’ve literally had so many surgeries to help this that I’ve lost count. I was averaging 1 surgery per year starting my freshman year in high school. I used to cry several times a day because of the pain. I missed so much schooling and work because I couldn’t physically walk because of the pain. One of my surgeries I was wrapped up for months and had to learn how to walk again because I lost so much muscle mass. Now, look at me! I’ve CLIMBING mountains! I haven’t even taken Motrin 🤯 I haven’t asked to stop and take a break🤯 I haven’t needed my knee braces🤯 THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! 🥲 (happy tears!)”
“General sentiments on taking barre while pregnant...
Why I choose barre: I was looking for something more strength based than the prenatal yoga I did with my first, but coming from not having a workout routine I knew some of the more high intensity programs would be more than what I could handle without getting intimidated or injured. I wanted something I could do up until delivery, and that would be easy enough to slip back into after delivery.
Why I have stuck with it: I like that my heart rate gets elevated, my core and pelvic floor feels strong, my posture and body alignment have improved, and most of all I haven’t yet developed a pregnancy waddle. I also like that the movements are low impact so I am not putting extra strain on my body, and I can modify or challenge based on how I am feeling that particular day.
What I like about it: I like that the workouts are full body, and really maximize the 60 minutes in the studio. I do not need to think or plan the workout. I show up, put the effort in, and head home without having to make any decisions on what my workout will consist of that day. I like that the class is fast paced enough that my mind isn’t able to wander off to my to do list, and that everyone in the studio is so friendly and kind. I also feel by getting to class 3x a week overall I have had an easier pregnancy, I am having less back pain, less swelling and less weight gain than I had with my previous pregnancy. ”
“I attended your Akron studio for the first time yesterday, and instantly fell in love. What sets you aside from all the other workout/yoga classes that I’ve attended is the quality of the instructor, and the generally friendly atmosphere. Many other studios have a competitive environment that discourages eye contact or friendly chit chat. I’m so glad to find a studio that made me feel so welcome and comfortable!”
“I just received the results of my recent bone density test. After taking a medication for 5 years to treat my early breast cancer diagnosis, I was concerned because this medication is linked to bone loss and early osteoporosis. This medication brings on early menopause. Osteoporosis and arthritis runs in my family. But guess what! No bone loss or osteoporosis was found!
My doctor and I were so pleased with this result and attribute it to my consistent practice at Tru Barre Studio. I joined Tru Barre 17 months ago and practice 4-6 times per week. This weight bearing exercise along with a healthy diet has given be the bone density of a much younger woman, in spite of my medical history. Tru Barre practice does not just help form a better body on the outside, it also builds strong bones and muscles to support them on the inside. I just had a test that proves it! Thank you Sue and your wonderful team of tucker instructors.
Love you,”
“I never loved working out before. I always thought there was nothing out there that I’d ever love or actually look forward to each day until I started attending barre. Each class is challenging and I know I’m stronger than where I was 6 months ago. The instructors are encouraging and motivating during each class, which helps on those days you really need it. I’m so glad I found a place I finally love! ”
“Hey guys,
I just wanted to say thank you for all you have done for me over the last almost three years! Sue, I absolutely loved coming to your studio and truly looked forward to class. Best decision I’ve made coming to Tru Barre. You ladies have changed my body and how I live. Before, during and after my pregnancy you guys kicked my butt and I so appreciate it! I am going to miss you all so so much and hope I can find a studio half as good as yours back in South Dakota! Thank you again and if you ever live stream classes I want to know about it!”
I was diagnosed out of the blue in 2013 with Multiple Sclerosis, a chronic degenerative disease of the nervous system. Throughout one day, I lost all sensation from my left shoulder down to my left foot, with the numbness tingling across my chest, midsection and lower abdominal wall, along with throbbing pains in my hands & elbows. Being an avid runner & busting out PRs monthly, the diagnosis brought quite a shock to not only my physical abilities but also my mental state. Chronic fatigue had set in, my lung capacity weakened, heat sensitivity became unbearable & the numbness made running a bit dangerous. I was pretty inactive for about 8 months. When I was able to run a bit, my back would hurt, probably due to weakened core & muscles, and it never felt good after.
After about 6 months of PT to no avail, my friends insisted I try a class at Tru Barre Studio and little did I know my whole life would change that day. It’s been almost 3 years I’ve been attending the amazing Sue Costigan’s classes (sometimes 5-6 days a week) & with a big push and a lot of confidence she had in me, I’ve now been instructing classes of my own for a year. Huge goal!
Tru Barre classes improved my body, my mind, my whole being. I dropped inches, sizes, carved muscles I never knew I had; my balance improved immensely (score!) & my energy levels skyrocketed (check ya later fatigue!); my back stopped hurting completely within 3 months of attending and is still great today; my lung capacity has gotten a little stronger & my brain is a lot less foggy (both of which I attribute to instructing those motivational 1 hour classes); my numbness has improved~~I’ve only had 2 clinical relapses & they were short lived! All in all, I’m 100% stronger physically, mentally & emotionally and I thank Sue everyday for her amazing workouts. Her work focuses on isometric movements & holds, with active stretches following every set~~lengthening & loosening those muscles that can tighten as we age. These exercises saved me. She saved me.
Tru barre is not only personal training in a group atmosphere, it’s a social blast! It’s time for YOU to make yourself better & stronger, however that may be. The people are warm, inviting, non-judgemental. Every class has women (and men) of all different shapes, sizes & ages, many suffering from auto-immune diseases, cancer, other illnesses, physical injuries, emotional suffering~~almost everyone has something going on you can’t see & together we’re our biggest supporters. Hence the terms barre gang, barre besties & barre squad😉
We are a squad. We are all healing. We are all improving ourselves one day at a time. And having a blast in the process!
I’m lucky to have found Sue and Tru Barre. It changed my life. Give it a chance. It’ll change yours too💪 #msstrong #mswarrior”
“I am a past client, and loved the classes in Merriman Valley-Akron. I plan to return when my work allows me to breathe again (sometime in October). Full disclosure: I did try a new similar type [barre] studio just a couple miles from home, but the approach, the classes, techniques, facility and instructors, though good, did not compare to those in your valley studio. So I will be returning! Thanks!”
I just wanted to let you know how very much I LOVE your Medina Barre Studio! I have been a student for almost a year and it has made a positive difference! You have some super instructors! I also wanted to let you know how very much I enjoy Karina's classes. She is an amazing teacher! The addition of the Tru Flow Class on Sunday evenings has been an amazing experience and so beneficial both mentally and physically...she has a true gift! I hope this gets added to the schedule permanently or at least for the next few months. Thank you again for having such a wonderful studio in Medina!
-Julie C
As I near my first year anniversary of Tru Barre, I want to share an astonishingly impact that my barre practice has had on my life. Like many women I’ve dealt with minor incontinence. Determined to correct the problem, I have tried medication, physical therapy and even surgery. While each attempt helped, nothing eradicated the issue. After a few months in barre I noticed that I no longer had a problem. If that’s not a reason to get here as often as possible, I don’t know what is!
-‘Your anonymous barre buddy’